Zoltan Harkanyi

Medical studies: Semmelweis Medical School, Budapest, Hungary. Board certification in radiology in 1978. PhD thesis on pediatric ultrasound (1984), Habilitation in medicine (1995), Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest.

Clinical appointments: Department of Radiology, Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest, 1974-1994. Chief  of Department of Radiology, Heim Pál Children’s Hospital, since 1994, Budapest (recent name: Heim Pál National Pediatric Institute).

Adjunct assistant professor: Department of Radiology, Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia (USA), Emeritus professor of radiology, Miskolc University, Miskolc.

Education: Course and congress lecturer on ECR, Euroson, ESPR, RSNA, AVUS.

Publications: author and editor 30 monographs, 128 papers on English and on Hungarian.

Reviewer: RadioGraphics, Pediatric Radiology, Lege Artis Medicinae, Magyar Radilogia

Main interest: contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in pediatric and adult patients,

Ultrasound and CT studies in pediatric and adult radiology, oncology, vascular disorders